First I looked at the calories for the sausage. 2oz of meat is 180 calories and 5 1/2 oz of Russet Potatoes is 113 calories. Not too bad, only like 80 calories more than our normal breakfast. I have been WAY under, so I did not mine the extra calories. Yesterday after dinner I was under 1000. But I did make it up because I did not want to starve myself either and had a few snaks at night bringing it up to 1200.
To try to make it a bit more healthy I did not want to cook the meat in it's own fat. So I took the meat, flatten it out and put it on the O' George Forman. After cooking it, I took it off and cut it into 2oz pieces. It was almost perfect when I cut it into 1/4's. So that means out of 16oz's of pre-cooked meat, you only get 8. Wow.... 1/2 of the sausage you get is FAT!!!
Now that I had figured out a good way to do the meat I now needed a way for the potatoes to still come out nice and crispy. So, I got out some potatoes skinned them and cut them up kinda small. Instead of using a crap load of oil and butter, I used some of that calorie free Pam spray on the pan to start off with. I put the potatoes in, gave is another good spray and covered under a full flame. I cooked will it was a bit brown on one side stirred it and cooked some more. Then to try to get the butter flavor back in there we got another type of spray "I Can't Believe it is butter" calorie free spray (the stuff is really good). Finally I put on some seasoning and the potatoes came out awesome. Next all we did is measure out our potatoes, we did at 5 1/2oz.
Lastly we combined our own meals cooked them together for a moment so that the flavors could combine a bit from the sausage and potatoes! It was very good and I do feel quite satisfied.
Today is going to be an interesting day because we our going to a Birthday party and I am sure there will food there. I will have resolve and not have anything at the party and we will bring our own food. They should understand that we need our own food. Also, I slept in a bit also so we had a late breakfast. We did not eat till 10:00ish. The picture I attached is not from our pan, but from the kids. Ours was too good and I ate it, and was like DAMN! I should of taken a pic of it, then I thought Hey, we have the left overs from the kids dish. So that is basically what we had, but ours was measured out.