Friday, July 2, 2010

Almost there!!!

I am getting so close to to being 1/2 my weight I started at!! I am traveling for work at the moment so I don't know how much I currently weigh (guessing around 259). Hope in a couple weeks to be at 250!! I am currently lightest I have EVER been. I have NEVER been as small as I am at this hight. I am fitting in clothing I have never fit into before. Everything is going so well with my weight!!

Everyone is telling me I should write a book. The only problem with me writing a book is 2 fold. One, I hate writing!! :). Two, what I am doing is nothing special. I am doing the "Math" diet is how I like to put it. Calories in - Calories out (based on BMR and activity level) = Net calories. If my net calories are negative I lose weight. It is simple math and math doesn't lie. Here is the secret of the "Math" diet. There are 3500 calories in a pound. So, if you eat on any given day 2500 calories, try to only eat 2000. If you do that, you take how many calories less you are eating a week (it is 3500 calories), that mean at the end of the week you will weigh 1 pound than you would of if you ate 2500 calories a day during the week. Simple huh? So, now you say.... But how do I keep track of my calories I eat any given day. Well, the way I do it, is I use a App on my iPhone called LoseIt! This is makes losing weight super easy! It does all the hard work for you. You just plug in what you, it tracks it for you.

If anyone needs help getting setup on the "Math" diet please comment on my blog and I will get back to you! Talk to you all later!!


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